One of the many benefits of SDGA membership is FREE access to the GHIN Mobile App which is packed with fantastic features!
Enjoy the benefits of GPS at nearly every course in South Dakota and the country! The FREE standard GPS gives you yardages from any point to the center of the green and any other spot through the Touch-Point feature. Try the Enhanced features in a FREE TRIAL, and experience more features like Shot Tracking, Heat Maps, and Putt Break Maps! Watch the videos below to learn more!
Improve your game by keeping track of your statistics while you play or when you are done. When you post hole by hole, you can also enter your fairways hit, greens in regulation, and putts.
The GHIN mobile app will compute your Course Handicap from any rated set of tees. You can also look up this information for other players.
You can look up your golfing buddies and follow them so you are able to easily see their Hanidcap Index and compute their Course Handicap.
Select Play with GPS/Games from the home screen and you can keep score for your group as well as set up a match (with or without handicap) and the app will track the status of the match as you play. At the end of the round you can send the scores to your friends so they can review and post their score.