Volunteer Opportunities
There are many ways that you can help the SDGA in our mission to administer quality events, provide services to our member clubs, and help grow the game. If you are looking to give back to the game, here are some of the ways that you can serve.
The SDGA Board is focused on our Championships and growing our membership. The SDGA Junior Golf Foundation Board is focused on fundraising and administering junior golf opportunities including a scholarship program and First Tee — South Dakota. If you are interested in serving on our Board of Directors, please review the Board Expectations documents and complete the SDGA Board Application form on the right side of this page.
We have a need for qualified rules officials at SDGA events, USGA qualifiers, SD High School Championships, and other area events. Qualified officials may become eligible to officiate at USGA Championships. The SDGA is here to help you with your Rules of Golf journey. Contact Tom Jansa at tom@sdga.org if you have questions about becoming a volunteer Rules Official.
The SDGA Course Rating team is composed of an SDGA staff member and a group of trained volunteers. When rating a course, the Team evaluates each hole using the USGA Course Rating System guidelines and procedures. The majority of the Team’s time is spent measuring distances to various obstacles from specific landing zones. After rating the obstacles, the Team plays the golf course to gain greater insight and to clarify any questions that may arise during the rating process. This is a very important part of the World Handicap System and our volunteers play a crucial role in rating 10-15 courses on-average each year. If you have a knack for data and like to travel to different courses, please consider being a Course Rating volunteer. Contact Joel McCartney at joel@sdga.org if you have questions about becoming a course rating volunteer.
You don’t need to be a Rules of Golf expert to help with SDGA Championships. We always need volunteers to help with player relations and to monitor play on the course. It is fun to be “inside the ropes” as an SDGA tournament volunteer! Contact Dean Zahn at dean@sdga.org if you have questions about volunteering for our SDGA Championships.
If you want a very rewarding experience working with young golfers, consider volunteering for FIRST TEE — SOUTH DAKOTA. We currently have programs in Sioux Falls, Aberdeen, Rapid City, Brookings, and Dell Rapids. We are looking to expand programming, so let us know if you are interested in helping bring FIRST TEE — SOUTH DAKOTA programming to your community. Contact Kelli at Kelli@firstteesouthdakota.org if you have questions about becoming a volunteer with First Tee!